Who is Stephen Gola?
His Life:
I was born of Stephen J. Gola and Ann T. Gola of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, USA (in 1956) along with five brothers and sisters.
As a child, I had a passion for God. At times when I would be alone I would experience the presence of God. Because no one told me about the sacrifice that Jesus had paid for me, I soon fell away but never without a respect for God.
When I was twenty years old and in the military, my new bride, a friend and myself went to see Andre´ Kole--a world famous magician on the military base. That night Andre´ shared the message of salvation and the love of God with us. I received Jesus into my life as my sacrifice for my sins and my life started to drastically change. Little did I know of how much I was being transformed, but my superiors did.
In 1991 my wife was killed in an auto-pedestrian accident. I raised my four boys myself for a number of years with the help of family and loved ones. Now I have fourteen grandchildren.
In 2002 the devil beat us at life. We lost one of our precious children to suicide. Though the Lord gave me a vivid dream about the attack, I did not get the understanding till a year after our sons death. However, we are strong and resolved to triumph in EVERY situation and bring glory to God and to help others to beat the devil and put him where he belongs--under our feet.
His Calling:
I became a child of God in the beginning of 1976. The thirst for God drove me to learn and study continually. (That thirst has never stopped).
Around 1979 someone I met at a Bible study said that they had a word from God for me. They said amongst other things that, the Lord has called you as a prophet and teacher.
In 1981 as I was in the parking lot where I worked one morning spending time with the Lord in my car, I asked the Lord if He wanted me to go to Bible School. I heard the word of the Lord come to me saying, I do not want you to go to Bible School. Read everything that I have taught my people and I will teach you. I had immediate understanding that many books, sermons, teachings and messages were not given by the Holy Spirit but was out of the person themselves. I knew that the Lord would give me the inward witness of what was from Him and what was not. Revelations from the Word of God started coming to me and continue more powerfully to this day.
One day in 1990 as church service was over, a visiting pastor turned to me and said, "I see a pen in your hand." Even though I have kept a journal for many years, I haven't thought much of it but kept it in my heart.
In 1992 I had anointing oil poured over me and was given words to go fourth as a prophet and teacher. One day sometime around this event when I was walking from my family room and stepped into my kitchen, I heard the Lord say to me, "Son sit down, I want to teach you about divorce. With that, I immediately gathered up my Bible and study tools. Almost three years of being taught of the Lord under the heavy anointing of His presence, Divorce: Gods Will? was the result.
During a time of prayer at the end of 1993, the Lord said to me that He was going to make me His signet ring. For two weeks the anointing of God weighed heavily upon me as I studied His Word to understand what God was telling me. After many years I have come to partly understand the authority and great responsibility of being God's "signet ring." I have also come to understand that part of this responsibility is in releasing the teachings I received from the Lord---restoring lost Biblical Truth to the Body of Christ. Through the years of being born of God, the Lord has given me many life-changing revelations. The Lord commanded me to write the revelations down. The notebooks are filled with Food fit for the Kings kids.
During my years God had me serve Him in a number of capacities. The first and foremost places were my everyday occupation. In addition, I held Bible Studies, was an assistant pastor, guest and fill-in speaker and teacher, teaching and training at Teen Challenge and as an author and writer.
I have not mentioned any denominational affiliation on purpose because I love them all. The Lord has taken me across almost every denominational line to love and minister. Therefore, I have a great love for the ENTIRE Body of Christ not just one of His members. I chose not to get involved in the ongoing fight where each member (denomination) is trying to "dis-member" and destroy the other parts of the body. Rather, Ive chosen to encourage, uplift and restore EVERY member to their full potential till we ALL come into the full measure of the stature of the Son of God.
His Passion:
The passion that drives me is to fully please my heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit my Teacher.
In 1994 my Father said to me, Son, for you and your family, I want you to live to bring delight to My heart everyday. I knew that was why I was alive--to bring God delight everyday. I soon understood that being Christ-like — being conformed into the image of God was not the goal, but the result of the goal: Pleasing Him and doing those things that bring Him delight.
I am un-swayed by my brothers and sisters who have been blinded by the enemy and are being used as critics against this work and the Kingdom of God. They are still my brothers and sisters in the Lord but bound by our adversary. Therefore my heart-cry is for restoration and fellowship.
My greatest delight is to unbind, clean, prepare, equip and then to present the Lord Jesus with His absolutely beautiful passionate Bride---thats you!