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Marriage Compatibility Test

If your marriage needs help, please complete the compatibility test below. A caring representative from Love Path International will email you your results as well as share information with you on a marriage-saving seminar by Love Path International. They have an amazing track record for saving marriages even when it seemed hopeless. Their success caused them to be invited on shows such as The Today Show, Good Morning America, James Dobson and Montel Williams.

Your compatibility test goes straight to them and will be kept confidential.

Rate each statement on the marriage compatibility test on a 1 to 9 scale where:

1 = not at all
5 = moderately
9 = extremely so.

1. My spouse and I are happily married. *
2. If we remain married and things continue as they are now, I will be unhappy and unfulfilled in my marriage. *
3. If we remain married and things continue as they are now, my spouse will be unhappy and unfulfilled in our marriage. *
4. It is important to me to keep my marriage together. *
5. It is important to my spouse that we keep our marriage together. *
6. The problems in our marriage are too great to overcome. *
7. I am willing to forgive my spouse for what he/she has done to hurt me. *
8. My spouse is willing to forgive me for what I have done to hurt him/her. *
9. I am willing to do what it takes to overcome any problems in my marriage and make it a loving, intimate relationship. *
10. My spouse is willing to do what it takes to overcome any problems in our marriage and make it a loving, intimate relationship. *
E-mail Address: *
Zip Code:
Day Phone:
Alternate Phone:
Please tell us about your marriage. Whatever you share is kept confidential by one of our caring representatives.

Verification Code:
Enter Verification Code: * Prevents spam.

* Required


Note: If you have come to this marriage compatibility test looking for christian divorce advice or need marriage or divorce counseling, go to our Marriage And Divorce Sources Of Help page or/and our Book Excerpts pages. We have provided you with a number of very helpful links for marriage and divorce advice, marriage and divorce counseling as well as valuable information for your critical situation.

You can e-mail us at: Divorce Hope Mail

Divorce Hope
Port Carbon, PA 17965 U.S.A.

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Stephen Gola, DivorceHope.com & DivorceHope. All rights reserved.