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Living A Sinless Life ( Not A Sin-Proof Life):
Man living Without Sin.

Man and sin together yet man living without sin. Living without sin is not only probable but a command to the Christian. Man and sin have been in the world from the beginning. To live without sin is why God made man. A man without sin is a man who is successfully living the God kind of life. Living "without sin" is different than being "sinproof"— unable to sin.

By: Stephen Gola

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Living A Sinless Life ( Not A Sin-Proof Life)

Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery, "...go and sin no more" (John 8:11). It is possible to "sin no more." If it's true for one kind of sin, it's true for ALL kinds of sin.

There is a difference between living a sinless life and living a sin-proof life. The argumentive question that usually arises when it is said that we can live a sinless life is: "You mean you NEVER sin?" In that very question is the lack of proper understanding of knowing the difference between living a sinless life and living a sin-proof life. More importantly, having a wrong understanding will actually aid us in living a sinful life.

To live a sin-proof life is to live life without the capability of sinning. To live a sinless life is to live life with the capability of sinning yet choosing not to sin.

No child of God will live a sin-proof life till afterthey die and leave this "body of death,” "For he that is dead is freed from sin" (Romans 6:7). Jesus was not sin-proof but sinless. If He were incapable of sinning while living in his body upon the earth, then the temptations that He overcame were not temptations at all. Jesus truly had to be able to sin in order to overcome sin. Otherwise, all the temptations would have been a lie and Jesus would have been part of that lie.

Jesus “was in ALL points tempted as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15b). Temptation is based on having an unmet need, desire or want. When we do not have our needs met or in check, we are open to temptation. If you have no needs, desires or wants when the temptation is offered, you will turn it down flat. However, when your need, desire or want is great and the temptation presents itself, it’s a vastly different story. This is where the Fruit of the Spirit comes in to play; self control, patience, endurance, love, etc. (Galatians 5:22-25). If we do not choose to develop these areas, falling to temptation will be a way of life.

Because the Scriptures say to, "...reckon yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord," it is possible to live a sinless life (Romans 6:11).

For example, if you repented of all of your sins and made every situation right with everybody the night before you went to bed, you would now be living a sinless life. When you awake in the morning you are still living sin-free life. Let's say you have fear in your heart that had not yet been flushed out by God's love ─ ”For perfect love casts out fear.” Your spouse, employer or friend confronts you about a specific situation and you "freeze up" and lie before you know it. You are now again living in sin. You come to your senses, repent to God, humble yourself and go and make the situation right. You are again living a sinless life. As we grow and mature in Christ we will sin less and less. The timeframe between when we commit sins will grow from minutes to days, from days into weeks and from weeks into months and even years.

To overcome temptation you must:


  • Identify Your Source. When we look to others instead of God as our source whether it’s for our daily needs, a job, companionship, etc., we will be open to greater temptation. Because we are in need, we will compromise our integrity, morals, and our relationship with God to receive from them rather than receiving from God through them. Our hearts must be established that God is our source. Walk in Him and He will provide through people.


  • Keep Your Needs, Desires And Wants In Check. Go to God and expect Him to make the way while you are diligently developing the Fruit of the Spirit and being obedient to His commandments and Word.


  • Govern Your Emotions. Emotions out of control is a life out of control. A life out of control is an unfulfilled and unhappy life. If we cannot get control of our emotions through discipline and the Word of God, then other unresolved issues are in play. (See step #4.)


  • Resolve ALL Wounds, Hurts And Unresolved Issues From The Past. If your heart has been damaged in the past from previous trauma, tragedy, feeling that you have been unjustly treated and therefore chose to be bitter, angry, and unforgiving you will find that your life will come to a standstill and all blessings, happiness and a fulfilling life will seem to elude you. Many times these issues are too difficult for us to work our way through alone. Find a good Christian therapist and they will walk you through to wholeness using the Word of God and direction by the Holy Spirit.

Therefore let us do what it takes and purpose in our hearts to "go and sin no more" and to please our heavenly Father. The Scriptures truly say, "That we no longer should LIVE the rest of our time in the flesh for the lusts (lusts mean strong pressures) of men, but for the will of God" (1Peter 4:2). The reason that we fall to these "lusts ― strong pressures" is because of fear coupled with needs, desires and wants in our hearts. But as we grow in the love of God, having knowledge of the Truth and a revelation of God's love for us, the fears will be flushed out and we won't feel those pressures to sin anymore ― one area at a time.

See also God's ("Unconditional") Love: It's Moral Its Conditional.

All Rights Reserved, © Copyright 2009 by Stephen Gola

(All Scriptures taken from the King James Version Bible or the New King James version.)



Divorce Hope
Port Carbon, PA 17965 U.S.A.

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1. The Marriage Institution Is Never Greater Than The Marriage Partners

2. Divorced Christians Who Married Again Are NOT In Adultery!

3. The Marriage Institution And The Surgery Of Divorce.

4. God Never Said, "I Hate Divorce," But Rather "Putting Away"!

5. It's The Motive Behind Divorce That Makes It Sin.

6. Christian Husband Wife Submission

7. Does God Hate A Bad Marriage?

8. Adultery, Grounds for Divorce? Not Always.

9. Divorce And Remarriage, Staying In A Marriage For The Wrong Reasons.

10. Marriage Abuse, Divorce Grounds

11. Can Divorced Christians Remarry? Absolutely!

12. Biblical Divorce & Biblical Remarriage.

13. Christian Divorce Facts for a Bad Marriage.

14. Breaking Soul Ties Can Save Your Marriage Or Relationship.

15. Pregnant, Child Out of Wedlock And Mistake Pregnancy.

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17. Christian Godly Submission In Marriage.

18. Divorce and Remarriage Has ALWAYS Been God's Heart.

19. Verbal Abuse In A Marriage Or Relationship.

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21. Failure As Husband - Marriage and Divorce.

22. Marriage and Love Relationship: A Complete Marriage

23. Interracial Marriage Relationships--Intercultural Marriage.

24. God's Peace and Grace for Divorce.

25. Led by the Spirit of God Through a Divorce

26. What "God" Has Joined Together.

27. Let No Man Put Asunder (Pull Apart), But God Can.

28. Misunderstanding of a Marriage Separation Verses a Divorce.

29. Bible Teaching Archives.

30. Free eBook of Divorce: God's Will? Excerpts.

31. Helping a Friend Through a Divorce