We Need Your Help!
(Please Help Save Our Brothers and Sisters in the Lord!)
Ongoing Needs:
(1.) 24hour/7day all year love and faith filled intercessory prayer. The Lord brings the hurting, confused, the wounded and the rejected to DivorceHope and Divorce: Gods Will? to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, to open the prison doors to those who are bound. Many lives are being transformed, changed and saved everyday, however, multitudes are still not being reached. We are asking for your help.
Because the church in general is ignorantly damaging and wounding multitudes everyday because of the misunderstanding of the divorce and remarriage issue, we desperately need prayer partners who know how to stand in the gap for healing, deliverance and the liberating power of God in behalf of our approximate 300,000 visitors per year and growing fast. And to not only pray for those who have been wounded, but more importantly, for the church leadership so they could come to a knowledge of the truth and then for the Lord to transform their hearts.
Please consider dedicating time for prayer everyday (or every other day) in behalf of those in desperate need of help from our loving God. Be sure to drop us a note to let us know that you have chosen to be one of our prayer partners.
(2.) Place a link to www.divorcehope.com on your personal website, your churches website, or on your business or ministries website. You will only know how many people you have helped heal and release from the bondage of the enemy when you stand before our Lord and King, Jesus. Many are depending upon you!
Current Needs:
We are currently building a network of churches and fellowships who not only accept those who have been divorced and or remarried, but who will actively care for those whom we send. All ministers of the Gospel who would like your church to be a part of this worldwide church referral network, please drop us a note to let us know. We will put your name on our referral list and make it available to God's children.
Because we believe that Divorce: God's Will? is from the heart of God, we will offer a free copy to every pastor or church leader who desires to be apart of this great healing network.
Please help us save our brothers and sisters in their most darkest hour. Peace! Your brother, Stephen Gola.