About the Cover of Divorce: God's Will?

A short while after the Lord said to the author, "Son sit down, I want to teach you about divorce" he realized that he was going to publish this information. As the author was sitting at his kitchen table trying to sketch out what he thought the book cover would look like when his son Bryan (eleven years old at the time) said,
"Dad, let me show you what I saw in a dream." To everyone's astonishment, Bryan commenced to draw a detailed colored picture full of meaning. The illustrated cover of this book is very similar to that which was drawn on that day. The meanings of the different aspects of the cover are detailed below.
- The title "Divorce: God's Will ?" signifies that the truth regarding divorce and remarriage has been lost through time. God is restoring the truth of what has been lost from His Word, the Bible.
- The broken letters in the word "Divorce" represent divorce as a breaking up.
- The red cloudy sky on the morning horizon merging into the dark sky of the passing night signifies that divorce is not easy and trouble is ahead. However, it is breaking into a new day.
- The dry cracked earth without any vegetation or life represents a relationship that has lost its life.
- The single heart represents the marriage institution - where the "two become one."
- The Royal Sword dividing the single heart represents "The Sword of The Lord" - divorcing - dividing the married couple back into single individuals.
- Though not depicted on the book cover as seen in the dream, the sword split the ground and opened up like an earthquake and fire came out of it to the surface. The fire represents a purifying and consuming process where the man and woman were joined together in the marriage.
- The split surface of the ground represents the divided relationship. It is no longer a shared life. However, because the earthquake opening is only so deep and then reconnects, it represents that there is still a relationship in certain things that are products of the marriage.
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